Wanting more abundance, love, energy and peace in your home? 

Is it time to Feng Shui?

It is, if...

A part of your life needs to change because it is just not working for you anymore and you have dreams, desires and goals that you want to achieve but haven't been able to (yet). 

You have a deep knowing that the energy needs to shift in your home and life. 

You know Feng Shui is a tool that you want to use but you just don't have time to learn it.

Whether you are looking for more love in your life, wanting to increase your abundance or check something off your bucket list, wanting to focus more on fulfilling your purpose or need a personal energy boost, a virtual Feng Shui consultation is just what you need.

This virtual Feng Shui consultation provides you with EVERYTHING 
you need to Feng Shui your entire home

The best part of this virtual consultation is that you do not need to take the time to learn Feng Shui and then figure out how to lay the Bagua Map (which is the most confusing part and the part that you do need to get right). I do this for you!

You get to do the fun part which is dreaming up what you want next in all areas of your life (intentions are a significant part of the Feng Shui process) and adding the Feng Shui cures in your home to support your dreams, desires and goals

There are certain areas of your home that represent the 9 different parts of your life which are Abundance, Self-Discovery, Relationships, Creativity, Assistance, Purpose, Wisdom, Community and Well-Being. In these areas, there are very specific Feng Shui cures that you will add to get the energy flowing to support what you want most in your life. 

You will find out EXACTLY where these areas are in the Feng Shui report that I provide (I just need your floor plan to get started). 

In the report, you will be provided with a checklist of EXACTLY what you need to do to shift the energy in each area with Feng Shui cures (the cures are simple and inexpensive).

Can you imagine being able to have a tool that you can use to help support your dreams, desires and goals in ALL areas of your life?

Feng Shui is that tool!

This virtual Feng Shui consultation provides you a way to get the energy flowing in your home to support the energy in all the parts of your life

This consultation and report will be a resource that you can use over and over again as the energy in your home and life needs shifting. 

This consultation happens all online via email so you don't have to take time away from your busy schedule to book a virtual call. You just need to submit your floor plan in an email (whenever you have the time) and your Feng Shui report will be back in your inbox within 5 business days!

Your virtual consultation includes:
  • A personalized, detailed report including the Bagua Map laid on your floor plan and checklists of exactly what Feng Shui cures to place in each area of your home. 
  • Unlimited access to me via email for any questions that you have as you Feng Shui AND a 3-month and 6-month check-in to share the shifts in energy that have occurred and discuss any additional energetic shifts that need to be made.

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virtual consultation

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With Feng Shui, your home will nourish and support you, your energy and your dreams, desires and goals. 

LIMITED SPOTS available each month. 
Don't delay in booking your consultation!

Feng Shui has given me so many tools to help with not only my energy but the energy in the house and it supports our well-being. It helps create clarity when implementing and creates that shift needed in any area of life. I am so glad that I was able to learn about this.” ~ Kami H.

Some common questions about Feng Shui...

I am really busy. I am not sure I have enough time for this.

A virtual consultation will provide you with exactly what you need to know to Feng Shui your whole home. This will save you a lot of time learning, figuring out how to lay the Bagua Map (which can be the hardest part in Feng Shui) and wondering if you are actually doing it correctly. 

You don't have to make time to learn it, which saves you a ton of time and energy. You just have to add the cures and Feng Shui cures don't take very long to add into your home. 

Also, the Feng Shui process that is explained in the report make adding Feng Shui cures quick and easy and you will have the Feng Shui checklists for reference. 

What if it doesn’t work? How does it actually work?

Everything is energy. 

This means that all of the décor currently in your home and the colors that are in it vibrate with energy and impact the overall energy in your home and they also impact your personal energy. In Feng Shui, we get the decor and the colors to work for you to create more of what you truly want. 

Think about something you don’t love in your home or maybe a room in your home that you don’t love, how does it make you feel?

Your energy actually decreases every time you notice it. This is energy. 

(Feng Shui is also over 5,000 years old, so even though I’ve seen the impact first hand in my life and in the lives of so many of my clients, I also trust something that has been around for that long.)

Do I have to redecorate my home to Feng Shui? 

I get asked this question a lot! You will not need to redecorate your whole home to add Feng Shui cures. In fact, the Feng Shui cures do not need to be visible in your space to vibrate with the energy that is needed.

Feng Shui cures are specific colors and elements (wood, fire, earth, metal and water) that you place in certain areas of your home based on where they energetically align best. You can easily move decor you alreayd have around to add in the elements and the color can be added quickly, easily and inexpensively (you will learn how to do this in the report).

Does Feng Shui go against my religious beliefs?

Feng Shui is not a religious practice and you can align your personal beliefs with every step of the Feng Shui process. 

There are two spiritual areas in your home that you can tailor towards anything that feels right for you from a religious standpoint. Feng Shui is meant to enhance the energy in your home and support what your beliefs are not change them. 

I’ve looked at it before and it seems complicated and will I have to move?

You will not have to move! 

In the version of Feng Shui that I teach and consult with (called BTB Feng Shui), moving is not something you will need to do and no matter what is happening with the floor plan of your home (like missing pieces or stairs in the middle of the home), there is always a cure. 

Feng Shui can be complicated because there are so many different books and courses that you can learn from or refer to. That is why having a consultation with a Feng Shui consultant who has been doing this since 2006 (that's me!), makes Feng Shui a very easy process. 

Is the investment worth it? 

A virtual consultation will cost you more money than taking one of my online courses or other training options BUT a virtual consultation will save you time, energy, effort and wondering if you're doing it right. 

You will receive a detailed report explaining the Feng Shui process, checklists of exactly what to do and access to me with any questions that you may have along the way. You will not waste time doing your own research or trying to figure it out. 

Feng Shui is also a life-long tool. You will be able to use the report and the checklists whenever you need to further boost the energy in some part of your life. This is an investment that can be used over and over again. 

Jill Ethier | All Rights Reserved

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